You work hard your whole life, expecting that someday you will be able to retire and enjoy a carefree lifestyle of fun, travel, and relaxation.

Yet, for many Americans, the dream of being able to retire early, let alone retiring at all is beginning to seem more and more impossible.

Just trying to get by day to day is becoming a struggle, and statistics show that 78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

This can feel very daunting to many people closing in on retirement age but what if we told you that you CAN still fulfill those dreams and it’s easier than you think?

Time to think TINY!

Think Outside of the Box When It Comes to Tiny Homes

Tiny homes can offer a unique and exciting alternative to the traditional picture of retirement while easing financial concerns and making your goals more attainable.

Did you know, according to the National Association of Home Builders, 45% of boomers would consider purchasing a tiny home?                                                                     

Since, almost a third of tiny home residents are between the ages of 51 and 70   builders are designing custom models geared towards the needs of the older population.

This makes a lot of sense AND gives you the options and comfort you need to make your home perfect for you.

Advantages of Tiny Home Living in North Texas

Think about it, a smaller home equals smaller expenses, less to clean, and more time to play!                                                                                                                              

Here are a few great reasons to consider joining the Tiny Life Movement:

1. Financial Savings

Home equity is one of the biggest assets for most people and selling a current home and downsizing can improve your cash flow dramatically.                                                  

Since most tiny homes are well under $100,000.00 (statistics show the average cost is $52,00.00), many people can retire without a mortgage, and we all know that is a huge plus! 

Not only are they less expensive to purchase, the costs associated with it are also less expensive, like insurance, taxes, utilities, and maintenance.

2. Energy Savings                                                         

It stands to reason that living in a smaller space, energy costs will be much less than a traditional home, along with fewer repairs.  

Think about it, the less you have the less you have to maintain.                                 

Also, because of their small size, many tiny homes can be partially or fully powered by solar.

Reducing monthly expenses is especially appealing to people on a fixed income, and less expenses means more money left over to enjoy the things in life that are most important to you.

3. More Time for Fun

We want to retire from work, not from life!

Retirement is the time in your life for less stress and responsibilities and more simplicity, connections with others, and time to do the things you love most.

Tiny home communities for 55 and older offer just that, more of a carefree lifestyle with the amenities to keep you socially active while providing the free time to do the things that are most important to you.

Traveling always tops the list for retirement goals, and with the extra cash leftover from downsizing living expenses, retirees have more money to make those adventures a reality.

Safe and Affordable Tiny Home Communities

There are many benefits to living in tiny home communities and with the growing interest in this type of lifestyle, the options are vast.

Our beautiful community in North Texas offers the lifestyle you are looking for along with the stress-free environment you deserve.

Gated communities provide safety and comfort while offering amenities such as walking trails, dog parks, and many social activities.

Something to Be Said for Minimalism

“Our excessive possessions are not making us happy.  Even worse, they are taking us away from the things that we do.  Once we let go of the things that don’t matter, we are free to pursue all the things that really DO Matter.” – Joshua Becker

Tiny homes have become so popular today because many people want fewer material possessions and less debt.

As we age, we begin to really understand that truly enjoying life is about simplicity, spending time with family and friends, and making more room in our lives for more joy and much less “stuff”.

Is a Tiny Home Community Right For You?

It is helpful to gather the facts about this popular movement and discover the best plan for you, keeping in mind your unique needs as you move into retirement.

Remember, it really has become a movement and Tiny Home Communities are made up of like-minded people who want to do more with less and focus on community and environmentally friendly living.

If “retiring tiny” sounds appealing to you, then begin exploring your options and get excited about living a more free and simple lifestyle while making retirement a reality!

What was your first impression when you saw your first tiny home? We’d love to hear all about it in the comments below!